Friday, July 20, 2007


Matilah mekk .. every time mekmandi , makan , tidur , keje & menjalang ( wopsss !! )mek selalu fikir should i participate MISS WORLD 07 ... well terlalu byk perkara yg perlu mek fikir sebelum nak joint MW 07 nie .. !! pening2 tau .. some of my fren sya that you just try & some of them u shouldn't !! ada byk sebab mek kena fikir balik antaranya ...

1. Dalam masa 2 - 3 bln akan dtg nie mek kena guna byk kos .. yeahlah mek kan baru jerr start keje kat kl nie so byk nak kena settle itu & ini .

2. Mek totally not ready yet for this competition i mean from the dress , international costume & lain2 .. but else from that i totally ready !!

Well for sure i gonna think not twice but 4-5 times .. wahahahaa !! ok Duhh

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