Thursday, May 31, 2007


at last i find the perfect men yg selama nie i cari2 .. seriously he was my kind of guy that i would like to have a relationship !! i dunno why but i do really feel satisfied ... it sound crazy but i do believe it was my love at first sight which is before this i tak pernah percaya .. i have a the greatest night ever !! last night i fell that i was i heaven .. lepas nie i kena change all my status at myspace / friendster & faceparty .. no more single okiesss !! ok ok let me describe about the chosen guy !!

1. he is damn sexy .. uhuhhh !!
2. good kisser
5.funny ...
6.manja .. which i like it !!
7.hemmm gehh dunno how to discribe !! the rest is so private only me know about it yeahhh !!

hemmm !! well seriously he is a guy and i just a ******* and of course he will get married soon right !! well that the reality i have to accept it .. wahh !! dunno how can i take it !! well just wait & see lahh . for guys out there sorry to say i'm not available anymore !! I AM SO HAPPY !!

p/s : joking jerrrlah dont take it seriusly okiesss .. dah takde nak cerita so mek just buat havoc jerr !! sekadar cerita rekaan takde kena mengena dgn hidup @ pun yg tlh meninggal !!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Citrawarna wajah malaysia !!...

citrawarna adalah acara tahunan yg selalu mek tunggu2 .. b4 this i was a dancer so dah 3 kali mek represent sabah for citrawarna !!.. the 1st time was on 2002 until 2004 !! time ittiewww citrawarna mmg meriah , best & colourful & the best part was citrawarna nie mcm convention handek2 from all over malaysia !! setiap negeri pasti ada hadek2 okiess ... ada yg masih fresh and as well as yg the senior aka diva !! dah 2 thn mek tak joint citrawarna coz of my practical & study !! heyy !! education sgt penting okiess !!.. so semlm mek tghlah citrwarna kat TV2 so dr ape yg mek tgk ada yg kurenggg & ade yg ok !!! so let mek listkan ape yg mek rasalah !!

1 . nampak teratur sgt .. tak semak !! so sedap jer mata memandang !!
2 . byk tarian yg ditonjolkan kali ini .. so taklah sama saja setipa tahun !!
3. artis mlm ittieww mmg ok .. i can say fresh intertainment lah mlm ittieww !!
4. background of the building was superb !! i like !!

1. tak meriah mcm 2 @ 3 tahun lepas ... terlalu protokol sgt !!
2. tempat tak sesuai !! it was too far .. cubalah buat kat dataran merdeka !! the perfect place
3. ini komen utk penari sabah okiess .. muka blur saja mcm tatau step @ lupa step , muka tak senyum mcm ditampar malaikat jerrr & tak pro langsung dancer kali ini !! heyyy where all the best dancer from sabah !! mek malu noqqq !!
4. closing tak meletup ponggg !! to simple lah !!
5. the croud was not happening pong ... blh tgk dr tv mcm kurang sambutan !! why ? the place !!

kesimpulan yg mek blh buat ... it was to simply !!

Ouchh !! 2 hari yg teramatlah seksa ... !!

wahhh !!! 2 hari tak sentuh comp mcm tak lengkap hidup mek .. well let me story2 to uols apa yg terjadi selama 2 hari kat rumah uncle i which is i'm staying for a while only .... actually mu uncle going back to kk on the 25/6 well kuarlah tanduk durjana mek dgn harapan dpt lah conquer satu rumah itiieww but mek silap .. my uncle wife punya anak buah tak ikut sekali but gonna stya with me .. yeahh only two of us !! well mek suke sgt sbb llk itiieww mmg test mek okiess very the cute ... vibratorrr jer pepetzz mek setiap kali tgk llk ittieww okiess !! mek ape lg .. ala2 sandiwara @ telenovela @ so what everlah .. dpn llk ittiew pendek cerita pompuam kadazan terkahirlah !! every night lepas llk ittiew mandi for sure dia akan guna boxer jerrr yerrr ... i was like for god sake pls help me dr godaan nafsu durjana ini .. !! lucky mek blh thn lg .

And there is one part yg mek tak suka sgt which is my mother's big bro was staying next to my father's bro also .. was diorg nie concern sgt dgn sya .. it was like i'm still 2 @ 3 years old !! hellooo @ make it better olaaaa i'm 23 years old now .. no need to take care about me i'm not a little baby anymore !! dah lah mek dlm proses diet habis habisan diorg bagi i mkn mcm 2-3 org punya makanan ... !! MY GOD !! mek tak naklah kurang ajar sgt so terpaksalah mek sumbat jer kat mulut mek ape yg diorg serve time dinner @ lunch !! huh !! mek tak sabar nak kuar dr rumah iniiieee ...

well this morning mek was shock sesgt okiesss ... & it all start last night & here is the story!! semlm llk ittieww ( my uncle's wife punya anak saudara ) have a bit partylah with his cousin also .. minum2 sampai mabuk !! i was tripping nak dirogol bergilir oleh diorg sbb all of them very the sexy gilalah !! i cant imagine mcm manalah mek kena baris okiesss !! mek merasa sgt nak manje2 lite dgn of of his cousin yg bertaktha di hati mek !! well he is very cute okiess !! bdn sesedap rasa .. muscle lite2 jerr .. Since mek malas nak tunggu so i went to tidoo arr !! mek terkejut sgt llk yg mek test sgt ittieww msk dlm blk mek and duduk kat tepi mek !! wahhhhhh !! i was like is this the moment ... mek pun ape lg drama telenovela ( biar rambut pendek ala2 helle berry mek ttp condiident okiess ) ala2 manje lite2 jerr .. llk ittieww pun masih mabuk lg time dia msk bilik mek .. then we start story2 !! mcm biasa org dah mabuk dah start merapu2kan but mek layan jer sbb mek tgh tripping sgt tgh bdn dia !! but there is one word he say yg buat mek tersentap sekjp mcm signal dr llk ittiewlah "I TENGAH STIM SKRG NIE" i was like alright cepatlah !! pepets mek dah vibratorrr nie .. then tiba2 pintu bilik mek dibuka oleh one of his fren ... time tu punyalah mek bengang sgt dlm hati maki hamun tahap dewa keluar semua !! hanjenggg !! babiiii !! kimakkkkk !! kacau daun lah ... his fren ajak balik rumah !! sbb dah pagi dah !! mek apa lg kecewa sgt2 tak dpt nak bermanja mesra ponggg !! well mgk ada hikmah disebalik semua dugaan ittieeww !! but i sure if not tonight .. there must be some others night !! Tungggguuu noq !! mek pasti dpt punya

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

missed all the glamorous !!

well i do missed all the glamourous yg satu ketika dulu pernah mek kecapi kat my hometown !! well skrg tinggal kenangan jerr !! but i'll try my best to sustance my glamour & my standard kat kk ... & i'll try utk melebarkan sayap ke kl !! addinchh berani lg .. well KL !! yeah ofcourse u'll know the answer when i say about KL !! well just wait and see lah sama ada mek blh kekal & sebarkan keglamouran mek inieee !! KINI GEMILANG ITU SEMAKIN PASTIKU GENGGAM !! .... aka jac dicnh marah okiess mek pinjam urs song lyric !! tak payahlah minta loyalti ittieww okies .. lari pecut bgi dikejar jbt agama islam ......... !!!!!!!!!
this is my last picture b4 is start doin my practical at perak .. time tuu mek tgh bersiap2 nak celebrate sempena pemergian one of the diva at kk !! addicnh diva lg ... mmg clubing kow2lah mlm ittieww siap take away anak ikan lagi ...woOpss !! mek taklah senoty2 ittieww okiess .. !!
one in a million .. in a million ke sbb constestant pun hanya 20 org jerr !!! well nie kat back stage lepas mek been crown as the 1st MISS DIVA INTERNATIONAL 05 until now .. dah dua thn mek pegang tittle nie !! bile lah nak hand over tittle nie ? pengajur tlg jawab ? well !! mmg best sgt perasaan mek time diumumkan as the winner !! mek pun tak confiident sgt mlm tu & my target only dpt msk top 10 pun ckplah .. sbb all the contestant was very good & have experience !! for uols info this is the 1st drag beauty pageant yg mek ikut ... tup tup terus menang !! mgk nasib i kan mlm tu !! well the top 5 punya soalan mmg mek sukee yerr !!

question : sekiranya malam ini anda di mahkotakan sebagai MISS DIVA INTERNATIONAL 05 dan sekali gus mewajibkan anda melakukan kerja amal . Apakah kerja amal yang akan anda lakukan dan kenapa ?

well !!time ittieww baru jerr lepas tsunamikan .. all of the four contestant jawapan diorg membantu mangsa tsunami !! well lucky me my answer was unique !! soalan nie pun mmg mek dah mek jangkakan akan keluar .. so this is my answer !!

mek : sebelum itu sya nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua juri pd mlm nie kerana sudi melayakkan sya ke top 5 !! sekiranya mlm nie saya dinobatkan sebgi Miss Diva International 05 sya ingin sekali melakukan kerja amal bagi membantu kanak2 & wanita yang mengalami penderaan seksual & mangsa2 HIV ( stop kejap sbb all the audience tepuk tgn sambil jerit2 dgr jawapan mek ) ini adalah kerana melalui pemerhatian sya sendiri perkara2 yang yg telah sya sebut tadi semakin hari semakin meningkat & bertambah serius dgn itu sya ingin sekali mendapatkan bantuan dr badan2 organisasi yg tertentu & masyarakat sendiri bagi membantu sya dlm menangani masalah yg telah saya sebutkan tadi . well ini bknlah jawapan 100% yg mek bagi mlm ittieww .. dah lupalah but it a bit samalah

wahh !! segalanye biruu .. this is one of my fav costume .. very the glamour yeah !!time nie bdn dah bentat nak mampus .. namun tetap confiiident yer utk buat show !! well that the use of jubah ittieww for coverup kebentatan mek !! well is really work ... i do look a bit slim dlm pic nie !! makeup pula mmg shading habis habisanlah .. !!
nie pulak lepas habis sabah inpersonator grand final kat "THE RAZZ MA TAZZ" club .. well weols have a great night !! time itieww lagu mek ilh everywoman .. habis satu bdn mek disapu dgn foundation L'oreal yg tone gelap .. supaya nampak tan lah !! addinch satu bdn tp bahagian tgn jerlah !! sbb my costume tu pun dah sarat dgn bebulusss !! so just tgn saja yg digelapkan !!... habis RM140 just for the foundation !!

yang nie pulak dgn mak hayam besaq kat kk .. madonna namanya !! well skrg dia tlh bersara dr dunia berponds lg .. but i really respect him !! why ? well .. sekrg boleh dikatakan mak hayam i nie dah berjaya dgn business butik pengantin dia kat kk .. mek dgr makin laku kedai dia !! well baguslah mcm tu .. cerah jg masa depankan !!
at list we show to the comunity that as a ponds also we can be a successfull person okiess !!.. caiyo2

sorry yek !! pis kureng besaq .. well nie time buat show for one of the datin at kk daughter's birthday !! mmg class birthday party anak datin nie .. tema !! red carpet .. mmg semua yg dtg anak2 datuk & datin !! well dua org pompuan jadian yg di sebelah sya ittieww is also my best fren .. yg guna selendang putih tu namanye margarit & the one yg guna black dress is angle .. !!

seriusly i have missed my body figure kat dlm pic nie .. !! time tuee mmg diet die hard lah !! sanggup nie 2 bln tak makan nasi semata2 nak ikut MISS DIVA INTERNATIONAL !! ini semua gara2 mulut lazer oleh organizer yang mencabar mek klu blh slim down in just 2 month before the pageant !! well i did it & the tittle is mine !!
well nie pulak time kat back stage wif my best fren foreverlah .. ms coral sue mermaid dunsten !! costumer melertss .. hadek2 klu buat show tanpa bulu2 mmg tak boleh .. specially mek !! supaya nampak grand bah !!

Monday, May 21, 2007

MISS UNIVERE 07 .. my fav contestant

well this coming 28 may 07 the new MISS UNIVERSE will be crown .. well mek dah pun tgk pic all of the contestant .. mmg susah mek nak ckp each of them have something to offer @ special @ beauty with brain !!
well mek rasa tahun nie byk kezutan dari segi pemilihan ke top 10 @ top 5 .. why ? it all depent to the final night .. yes !! dlm pic mmg cantik & vouge but the most important is during the final night !! the performance , the presentation , the self confident & the magic it self !! well seriusly i target MISS USA .. hemm there is something special about this contestant !! her beauty was so ... UHH .. emmee .. ahah !! dunno to discripelah & afcourse her i/q @ brain .. mmg meletopss jawapan yg dia bg time interview !! so honest & no drama !! well apa yg mek blh ckp kat sini .. each of the contestant got theirs chance to be crown as the new MU .. mesti ada kezutanlah .. silap2 hari bulan MISS MALAYSIA buat kejutan .. siapa tahu !! maybe !! pic kat bawah nie is my fav contestant okiess .. start from miss india , miss usa , miss albania & miss mexico !!

A new diva in town !! addinch .. suppose to be soonlah !!

well well well !! a new divalah kaedahnya .. wah !! pondan berangan ke mak !! addinch lah uols .. sesaje buat gemak okiesss !! well finally i will be at kl for good .. gonna start my career at kl & guest what ? still in the hotel industry !!.. patut ke mek bg tau hotel mana !! hemmm ... well let me give u a bit clue okiess !!

1. one of the most well know hotel at malaysia ( hemm yeke !! )

2. it a 5 star hotel .. !!

3. i can say this hotel have eveything .. from accomodation , intertainment & ofcourse retail therapy .. shoping lerr ..

4.this hotel byk sgt air !! air ape ?

5.just 10 - 20 minit from kl by drive .. well mek pun tatau sgt berapa lama dr kl nak ke ***** hotel !! lebih kurang mcm tulah !!

p/s : who ever yg dpt menjawab soalan nie dgn betul .. got a special gift from mek !! yeah personally from mek

well start last night mek dah sedia dah azam baru mek !! wah .. org semua buat azam baru awal2 thn but mek tengah2 tahun .. well !! that what wilma ervanna george special i say it "something diffrent" okiess !! ..

well this is the list yg tahun nie mek mesti buat walau mcm mana pun !!...

1. NO MORE LITE2 DIET ... ha !! this is something that i have to do .. since mek dah bentat sesgt !! hanjengggg !! it time for me to diet . persoalan ? nak ikut MW 07 this coming november ke ? well .. hemm .. aaa ..uhuhu !!.. tungguuuu jawapannye !!

2.get a new & the latest hp in town !! well i love the latest nokie E65 .. well gonna work hard to get it !! get a tatoo !! yeah nie dah lama mek plan .. dah 2 thn lepas but still tak berani !! but i'll will get it

4.hemmm nie pun dr dulu mek nak buat sesgt .. nak hinjek2 muke !! addinch botox okiess mek tak kertu lg even dh msk 23yo ok .. just nak tambah secara lite2 jer kat bahagian muke mek nie !! supaya dlm pic nampaklah bantuk muke women sgt !! get my own credit card !! wahhh ... matilah mek !! dahlah mek nie boros nak mampus .. jawapannye bil melanbung2lah jadinye .. well !! see 1stlah .

6.Nak blk Kota Kinabalu my hometown !! dah lama tak balik nanti dickp .. pondan tak kenal asal usul oleh pepondan lain kat kk itieww !! well its like a welcome back @ home coming queenlah !!

well !! apa2 pun i hope i can be success with my new career .. hope to meet & make new fren at kl .. !!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

She my idol !! she my mentor .. !!


well seriusly come from within my heart i really admire nurlea laurielle !! i admire her self confident , passion , desire , she wont care about what others people will say about her & most of the most her beauty ++ brain !! what a package u got !! Mek start kenal lea nie in 2004 .. it is when one of my fren that just come back from finish his study at UITM shah alam & together2 bawa balik miss diva universe which is during the competition lea got the 1st runner up ... start from there mek sedar yg lea nie something diffrent from the other hadek2 !! from that moment i startlah to tanya hadek2 kat channel nyah pasal lea laurielle nie !! during that time i only know that lae was a cabin crew & a gayboy !! wooppss pecutt ... but until one day i accidently jumpa myspace lae laurielle & start from there i try to know more about lea and until now mek personally dpt chat dgn lea kat blog dia sendiri !! what a big honour for me !! for lea well i dunno what to say !! you have set a very high standard in a hadek2 & gayboy world which is i know it not an easy job right !! so i hope u keep on with urs dream & keep on post blog2 yg menarik yerr !! hope that we can be friend !! p/s all my fren kat kk also admire u so much !! they all kirim salam !! last but not list BUENOS NOCHES !!

Happy sweet 23 birthday !!

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to wilma ervanna george
happy birthday to you !

well 20 may 1984 is my birthday !! so that mean mek dah 23 years old this year .. still mudayer addich kertu lg !! well this is my second year i celebrate my birthday without my family member .. hemm what can i do because of this damn practical !! well my wish for this year .. i hope that ape yg mek plan utk tahun nie akan menjadi realiti , semoga kesihatan mek & all my family member sentiasa dlm keadaan tip top !! last but not list to meet personally my idol "lea laurielle " addich tipu2 okiess !!.. so today i'm a big big girl in a big big world !!

Once a Lasallian , Always a Lasallian !!

My god it been 5 years dah mek tinggalkan zaman sekolah menengah mek .. There is a lot of suka duka , tawa riang , pengalaman & also knowledge yg mek dpt sepanjang study kat la salle. Let mek story2 to uols pasal sekolah kebanggaan mek nie okiess !! well la salle is one of the top & the best school at kota kinabalu even at sabah .. the best part was la salle is a all boy school addinch pompuan okiess !! So yg ade cume hadek2 jerr penyeri la salle .. la salle is a wish school for all the boys after UPSR & a dream school for hadek2 which is including meklah !! So luckly i am selected to continue my secondry school at la salle .. actually la salle nie blh dikatakan kilang kepada hadek2 yg berjayalah .. just look at me !! hahahhaa . i told uols yerr setiap class for sure ade hadek2 .. one class sekurang2nye ade 2-3 person . Mmg ramailah hadek2 kat la salle nie .. so nie langkah pengiraan mek yerr ( ala2 add mathlah pulak )

dr form 1 until form 6 yerr & setiap tingkatan ada 5 class except form 6 lah which is ade 4 class only ( lower 6 & upper 6 ) .. so total up will be 39 class . setiap class pasti ade 2-3 hadek .. so just make it 3 hadek2 x 39 class = 117 hadek2 .. can u image that !! tersgtlah byk yerr !! ( pengiraan kasar okiee )

so mmg meriahlah kehidupan hadek2 kat la salle nie hari2 jantan depan mata . But yg paling best bg hadek2 ialah bila msk form 4 which is la salle got 2 block .. 1st is junior block just for form1 until 3 & 2sc is senior block which is for form 4 until upper 6 lah .. So bile mek msk saje senior block totaly mek blh katakan this is heaven for hadek2 okiess . All my senior2 was my taste until vibrate pepetsss mek .. wooopss !! time ittieww mek in the science class yerr !! mula2 tu aiyoo sakit kepala jg because all the subject tersgtlah susah specially kimia , add math , fizik & math .. mek dinch suke kira2 yerr !! mula2 tu mek nak juga tukar ke sastera class but yerlah time tu mek fikir standard jerr so nak tak nak terpaksa jglah mek stay in a science class !! Oh god !! all my class mate .. semuanya jantan2 handsome & macho !! ehhh susahlah mek nak discribe kat dlm blog nie betapa tastenye mek dgn diorg semua !! a lot of them pemain ragbi , soccer & atlet for my school !!yess uols can image right bdn2 diorg mcm mana !! everyday pendidikan jasmani mek cuci mata okeee .. totally half nakedlah diorg !! (tetiba jerr vibrate pepetss mek ) HEAVEN FOR ME !! tp mek plg tak dpt lupakan during biologi class time tu bab organ2 bdn !! like sex educationlah .. so time tu mek dgn 1 lg hadek mmg tebal mukalah !! uols know ape yg my class mate ask my teacher ( pompuan ok ) !! nape **** & ***** tu blh jd lembut & blh mengandungkan pompuan ? BOOM it was like tamparan malaikat kat muka mek okiess .. & the teacher was tersenyum lite2 jer !! mek lupa ape jawapan my teacher but for sure dia tlh selamatkan maruah mek ok !! but bab itiewwlah yg mek score most point during montly test okiess !! Satu lg mek nie dicop sebagai gila kuasa among my school mate & hadek2 .. time tu mmg mek suke sgt kumpulan jawatan !! let mek show uols jawatan yg mek pernah sandang dulu okiess ...

Parliment la salle : Kementerin Kerja Raja .. addicnh mek suke tau !! sabotaj !! mek harap2 blh jd menteri
kebudayaan & kesenian !!
pengawas library : as usual lah .. setiap hadek2 pasti akan jadi librarian okiess .
ass class monitor : ha tak jadi monitor class pun tak pelah .. yg penting monitor class mek sesedap rasa !!
president : president for kelab kebudayaan , president bimbingan & kaunseling , ajk kelab badminton & ajk for school choir team ...
bayangkan in a year mek pasti ada 6-7 jawatan yg disandang !! betul2lah gila kuasa in the right way ok ..

well during form 5 ( which is my class name was capella ) adalah thn dimana mek give tumpuan for my study !! mcm biasalah SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA .. ha !! tungkus lumuslah belajar !! but in the end mmg berbaloilah dgn ape yg mek korbankan sepanjang form 5 .. every day belajar hingga jam 11 mlm & then sambung blk jam 4 in the morning , beli byk2 buku ramalan spm & rujukan .. but not to forget study group !!
keputusan spm mek biarlah rahsia & i only can say that !! keputusan yg mek & my parent banggakan !!.. well seriusly i do missed all my school mate , my class mate 5 capella , all my teacher & ofcourse my sister @ hadek2 ... were uols guys been !! just incase any la sallian have read this do drop me a msg at .... mek wish sgt klu blh buat reunion dgn semua ex la salle specialy ex form 5 2001 !! mek addinch ingat lg lagu sekolah la salle !! fuhh klu dulu bkn main lg mek nyanyi lagu sekolah mek siap ada lenggok lagi ala2 R&B style yerr !! mek mesti cr all me school mate !! i sure there must be a lasallian at myspace , friendster & blogger !!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kenangan yang terindah !!

well finally i'm gonna finish my practical ... huhuhuh !! well mek betul2 tak sabar nak blah dr tempat yg ***** hanya tuhan saja yg tahu bertapa tersiksanya mek selama kat resort niee !! just joking only huhuh !! well seriusly i'm gonna miss this place so much .. because there is a lot of memory , knowledge & experince yg mek dpt selama berada kat resort nie .. mesti uols tertanya2 resort apekan ? Swiss Garden Golf ,Resort & Spa . well before this mek ingat workinf as a front office assistant is only about check in , check out , senyum2 dgn guest , greeting to the guest and so what everlah .. but believe me it more than that !! for me it more to how u organize , manage & perform during working so in the end the guest & your self will satisfied !! Sepanjang kat sini i have improve my self confident yg selama nie self confident mek sesgtlah low !! skrg i can say that i am very comfortable with my own skin !! Kat sini jg mek sempatlah kenal beberapa org yg mek rasa senang sgt bile bersama diorg . Specially syura !! i luv this gurlzz ( mek dinch less ok ) mmg satu kepala dgn mek dkt front office dulu tp skrg syura dkt sales d'mentlah since diupgradekan level nye !! lg she know how to speak sabahan slang so it easy for us to mengumpat !! woopss !! Kak sri diwani @ datin sri fav fren also very the hadek2 style ok !! since kak sri nie keje kat spa .. so disanalah selalunye mek mengulat sambil2 mkn kuih2 yg staff spa beli kat luar !! Tak dilupakan all the front office staff .. thanks your very much for all the knowledge yg uols share dgn mek . the is too many name to list here but i sure u know who u are !! To all the managment level .. beribu2 terima kasih sbb sudi menerima mek utk membuat practical kat resort uols !! Kpd sesiapa staff swiss garden yg terbacalah blog nie !! terima kasih noq .. lain kali jumpa lg .. last but not list harap segala kesalahan yg mek tlh lakukan sepanjang practical harap di maafkan ..

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A tribute to my BFF .. !! miss u guyss

well this is a page yg mek personally tujukan to all my BFF ... mek rindu sgt dgn uols !! all the suka duka we all kongsi bersama !!.. so here the list

Coral sue mermaid dunsten @ Miss Unique
well coral nie one of my fav frenlah .. he know everything about me !! i can say that he have "beauty & brain" that come together .. satu lagi yg mek nak puji pasal coral .. dia nie berani mati okayy !! berani apa ? berani ikut beauty pageant biar pun saiz bdn xxxl .. yeah you go girlss

Zarnya @ 1st runner up MU 07
zany nie lebih di kenali shuni2 dikalang kamilah sbb perangainye yg ting tong sikit .. but he is a good fren & also a good listener okayy .. i can say that someday he can be the next chef wan !!

Madonna @ mama hayam besaq
madon nie kira senior citizenlah diklgan kami .. b4 this he was the best inpersonator kat kk & until now .. currently he more concertrate to his bridal shop aka wanita berjayakah !! yg tgh laku i dgr .. i can say that madon is a very humble person & supporting !!

Rin @ angle
well she the funniest among us .. i gerenti uols takkan berhenti ketawa bile borak dgn angle nie ..

Kelly amber ho @ greatest makeup artis
sentuhan kelly mmg class .. muka akan serta merta berubah !! i mmg nak 10q kat kelly sbb dialah makeup artis & assistant mek time miss diva international 05 .. guess what he won the best makeup tittle & i won the tittle MISS DIVA INTERNATIONAL 05 ..

Rosalinda @ margarita kokang
bile dia drag saja muka dia sebiji jaclyn victor .. tp bile tak drag .. aiyooo !! tuhan jer yg tahu . well he is very frenly & understanding !!

Remy @ PG
well he very good in making tradisional costume !! and also ecing pangua !! wis murka mama

Emma @ thomas lopa
antara nyah yg bercareerlah .. blh dikatakan ada masa depan yg cerah !!

Jennifer roy newman @ gary lodo
only one thing i can say .. mama wis sampai hati 1 pap 2 pap !! gantung !!

shena lee @ ....?
well one of the best inpersonator alsolah .. badan MALATOP original semua nye !! no Padingsss

well !! kepada sesiapa yg namanye tak senarai .. it not mean that i have forgotten uols !! i  still remember uols !! well fren hope to meet uols soon !!

Yeah !! she the only one .. my mom .

well i have missed my mom so much it been 1 years already i didnt meet with my mom since i am doin my practical at perak .. i can say that my mom is a superwoman , my world , my light in darkness , my idol & she mean everything for me !! my mom will do & get the best that she could not only for me but also for my bro & sis . MOM this is for you !! i love you so much .. & happy 
mother day ... MUAH !!

Yeahh !! i got a good offer ...

well .. let me story2 uols what heppen okiess !! ask uols know mek when for my medical check up on the 10/5 as i already post the sotry b4 .. So a day b4 the medical check up one of my fren inform that there was a walkin interview for this hotel .. so since mek takde nak buat apa2 pong so mek decide to go for the interview .. saje2 nak cuba nasib kann !!

So mlm seblm interview tu mek buatlah ape yg patut .. buat resume , log in internet to know better about this hotel & sediakan jawapan utk soalan yg pasti doirg tanya time interview itieew nanti .. So the interview start jam 2pm , so mek pgi lah dkt lobby hotel itieew and ask for direction to the HR office so one of the receptionist show me the direction yg byk2 sgt selok belok .. So on the way nak ke HR off tu byklah jantan2 yg memandang kat mek @ mek yg perasan .. but i but tatau jerrlah since mek malas nak layan diorg !! So sampai jer kat HR off mek kena fill up a form b4 the interview start .. So the interview start with the hr manager , then the front office assitant manager & the final interview was with the front office manager together2 with the hotel general manager but after they shortlistedlah .. but mek jangkakan yg mek pasti tak dpt !!

But 1 jam seblm bas mek berlepas blk ke perak the hr manager has call me that i need to come for the final interview today .. but ape mek blh buat tiket dah beli . So i just say that i will come but i didn't . So on the way balik perak i off my hp & sampai jerr kat bilik i on hp mek terus ade 18 missed call from this hotel .. So mek buat tatau jerlah !! since mek ingat mesti org lain dah dpt offer tu !!

Tanpa diduga oleh mek .. the front office manager of this hotel personally call me that he would like to offer me the job but mek kena jumpa general manager hotel tu dulu . So this time mek takkan lepaskan peluang kedua yg diorg bagi kat mek .. lg pun bkn senang nak dpt keje kat hotel nie since diorh nie sesgtlah fussy ok.. but no need to think it twice i agree to meet them on the 21/5 @ 11am . Hopefully everything is ok .

HOTEL APA ? nanti mek story2 lg okiess .

Friday, May 11, 2007

well WELL well there is nothing much happen today !!

Hemm today there is nothing much happen since i am on leave for 3d n2 which is i went for my medical check up at sunway medical center ..

MACAM BIASALAH .. mek masuk jerr keje terus kena check VIP arrival for the next day since the GSO was on leave so mek yg kena ambil alih tugas dierr .. mek kena prepare for the vip welcome card , open fruit basket request form , prepare the registration form for the vip & mcm2 lagi lah .. ala mcmlah uols tatau VIP nie mcm mana perangainyerr yerr ..

so SO so humble .. there is one DATO which is i am the one who check in this DATO .. but i notice that DATO nie so humble & so friendly lah which is totally diffrent from the others DATO yg mek pernah assist dulu .. klu yg lain tu blm sempat mek greet 'WELCOM TO .. " ( dgn senyuman miss gitieww ) terus dipotong jalan dgn satu penjelasan yg teramatlah menyakitkan hati "PLS CALL ME DATO" .. amboi sombong nak mampus . but what can i do guest always right ..

Well .. masuk hari niee tinggal 9 hari lagi before i finish my practical .. mek tak sabar okiess .

Thursday, May 10, 2007

my 1st medical check up .. 10 may 07

well !! 2 hari yg sgt memenatkan mek ( 8 - 10/5 ) 1st for my madical check up at sunway medical center since mek apply for a job there .. well dunno yet mek lepas ker tak medical check up tu ... here is my story ok !!

On the 9 may 07 which is a day b4 the medical check up mek informlah front desk di hotel yg mek menginap tieww to give a morning call jam7 & yes they did but tau2 jerlah janji nak bersiap jam 7 tp ala2 nak baring kejap lg last2 start bersiap jam 8 until 9.30 baru lah mek start my journey to sunway medical center .. sampai jer kat sana terus mek ke HR D'Ment on the way nak ke hr d'ment tu .. mek tgk staff cafe mmg class sesgt ok ala2 guest pun boleh makan kat sana ( tgk dr luar je ) makan tak payah cakaplah dr pembuka selera hinggalah ke pencuci mulut .. LENGKAP OKIE ( makin bentatlah mek klu kerja kat sana ) .. Then yg mek terkejut sgt ada satu saloon khas utk staff to cut theirs hair for FOC ok ( dpn HR off ) saloon dr mana ? A CUT ABOVE saloon .. tp semua hairstylish msh student lg !! no way i will let them to cut my hair nanti lain yg di minta lain pulak yg jadi ... sedieeeyy . So mek jumpalah HR officer nyerr yg akak2 jglah .. he give instruction what i suppose to do upon my medical check up !! so lepas dapat surat medical center terus mek ambil teksi ke sunway medical center ..

So kat sunway medical center ( SMC ) mek teruslah ke counter & bertanyalah dgn gayboy ( maybelah ) yg keje kat sana .. where should i do my my medical check up ? so i isi borang & everthinglah than i start doing all the medical check up & here is the list :

1: xray bahagian dada .. mek bukalah baju jer dgn muke confident dgn tetek hormon mek yg dah surut tu . hopefully no breast cancer .. choiii !
2:urine test .. belia benci dadah ok !!
3:blood test .. haaaAaaaAA !! mek benci sesgt bhg nie nie 1st time mek kenal ambil blood test ok
4:height measure .. 175cm++ (yg ++ tatau mcm mana blh dpt )
5.weight measure .. Nie lagilah mek benci !! mek makin bentat ok 75kg ok !! no more lite2 diet after this
actually ada 3 lg tp mek tatau apa name nye .. !!

habis jerr mek terus go for my luch since i didn't take my breakfast .. habis tieww mek terus ke puduraya ambil bas (transnational ) balik ke perak !!.. so sekrg mek kena tunggu for the medical check uo result lah !! SO NERVOUS !!